Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Scarletto...or just some garbage

So at last I've found the strength to start this thing called blogging, also been trying how to figure out this Twitter thing, I see a lot of people have it but I've never actually found what this is really in need of, until I realized that's it's a very good source of advertising for celebrities

Plainly who cares about them going to a coffee shop " well ello mum and ello dad, I'm having sum scones with jam and sum tea, it's bluuuudy murverllouss" and all the people who are following them are like "OMG OMG OMG! he eats scones, no way!!!!!" and I'm like yeah bets he shits too

All in all, I'm happy I've started with this, want to start sharing all the ideas, be it crap or great with you guys, I've been writing a few good ones lately and I see myself getting better and better with each song/lyrics I write.

Quite upbeat for what 2010's going to be like, I know it's going to be a tough year for me, but maybe it's one that will develop me even further as a person, really hoping that I can achieve what I've set myself to do, I want nothing less than greatness.

Very upset with the way how the South African national cricket team played, we got beaten badly, it was a sad day today, just hoping they can recover and make us feel proud to be South African in the Cape Town test.

I hope you have an awesome party and may 2010 be a great one

Lastly may you R.I.P Jimmy "The Rev" Sullivan, you were a drumming genius, your music will live on, your legacy will never die, may you rock the afterlife in heaven, the world's lost a great person

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